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9/11 Commemoration: Americans Gather to Remember

Tear-filled Tributes and Pleas to Never Forget

Ceremonies Held at Ground Zero, Pentagon, Shanksville

WEB NEW YORK — Americans across the nation gathered on Sunday to commemorate the tragic events of 9/11, paying tribute to the victims and honoring the heroes who responded to the attacks.

At Ground Zero in New York City, where the Twin Towers once stood, a solemn ceremony was held. Family members of the victims read out the names of their loved ones, their voices choked with emotion. President Biden laid a wreath at the memorial site and delivered a speech, calling for unity and vigilance in the face of terrorism.

At the Pentagon, where one of the hijacked planes crashed, a similar ceremony was held. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin addressed the crowd, emphasizing the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by the Pentagon employees who lost their lives.

In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the third hijacked plane crashed, a memorial service was held near the crash site. Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at the event, praising the courage of the passengers and crew who fought back against the hijackers.

As part of the commemoration, numerous archival articles and commentary pieces published in The New York Times were shared online. These articles provided historical context and insights into the events of 9/11, helping to preserve the memory of the tragedy and its impact on American society.

The 9/11 commemoration served as a reminder of the profound loss and resilience that emerged from the attacks. Americans vowed to never forget the victims, honor the heroes, and remain steadfast in their commitment to fighting terrorism.
